professional magician and Illusionist

Whats best for your event?

When inquiring about availability from a performer you should always ask questions and request suggestions. Give them all of the information about the event including schedule, parking, entertainment restrictions, special guests of the night, and other details you find important. It’s important to be clear and concise when communicating with the performer so that they can understand your needs and provide an accurate service. Be open to the performer’s suggestions and ideas, as they may have valuable insights and experience in similar events. his way the entertainer can be fully prepared for every situation because, for example, parking is usually tougher to find at a hotel for a corporate event in Los Angeles, CA than at a house party in Orange County, Ca. It depends on the exact location of course but in some cities it is generally tougher to find parking than in others. This kind of information can affect the setup time of the show and directly affect what time they should arrive. Every detail affects the performance, so it’s strongly recommended to be very specific when discussing and booking an entertainer. This information is not as important to someone who performs, “strolling magic” as it is to someone who performs a, “stage magic show.” The schedule can dictate what a performer can do and just like the last topic can affect what a stage performer can actually do. Some performers can require anywhere from 20 minutes to a full hour of setup on a stage to make sure the props are all set. Usually, they should be the ones to go first if you are having other entertainment because some entertainers only need a minute to setup or no time at all.

It is a good idea to tell the entertainer who the CEO is of the event so they can be involved in the show if that is something that they would desire. There may also be certain people who you’d like to participate in the show more often for a number of reasons. Some entertainers have the option of doing a short, “roast” of someone in good taste as well. If you really want some good comedy in your show then a performance like this is a good idea because it really adds to the entertainment value. A long and very serious show can quickly bore your audience members since the best entertainment will take your audience on an emotional roller coaster.

If you’re now considering booking an entertainer who has everything to make your event unforgettable, here is the best option for you – MagicIAN. He has years of experience in delivering top-notch performances that will leave your audience amazed and entertained, and he will definitely make your event stand out. Add an extra level of excitement and value to your event, contact and book MagicIAN today!